Corporate Accounting Reddy and Murthy PDF

Download Free PDF of the Corporate Accounting Book By Reddy and Murthy

Corporate accounting is a special branch. Which deals with the company’s accounts and cash flow statements.

Apart from this, analysis and interpretation are done in it. Through this, financial regulation rules and financial records of the policy are maintained. And specialisation and expertise are made in business accounting like itemized billing app.

Author T.S. Reddy & A. Murthy
Language English
CourseFor B.Com students
Size10 MB


  • it works for a single company. And analyzes and reports the financial information of that company.
  • By this, the work-life balance is well maintained. Because there is very little work pressure in it to meet the deadlines.
  • Through this, you become specialised in a particular industry.
  • Because of this your job and work are the same days by day. That’s why job security is available in it.
  • However, it also has some drawbacks. In this, you have to do the same thing every day. And career growth is also slow.


To become a qualified Corporate Accountant, first of all, you must have a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting (B.Com). Some companies require Uniform Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or Certified Management Accountant (CMA) to join.

If you want to download both volumes (Volume 1 and Volume 2) of this book for free. Then click on the link given below.

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